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This is my friend, Henry. You will love his story. |
Here's where the miracle starts! After that last appointment about 6 weeks ago, Henry's mom started praying fervently for him. In her own words: "When I fed him, when I held him, when I gave him his medicine, when we napped and when I just generally looked at him, I prayed for him. With every syringe of medicine (3 of them 2x a day), I would tell Henry that this was magic juice and was what God was going to use to help heal him.
Henry started gaining weight. He had been down to 6.5 lbs.(Henry never was a large boy, like some of my more robust feline friends!); he was now up to 8.6 lbs!!!!! He was
pooping everyday, and had the most normal poops he had ever had in his life.
So, when his parents recently took him to the vet for yet another ultrasound, this time the doctor returned shaking his head not in sadness, but in bewilderment, announcing, "It's gone! The mass is TOTALLY
GONE!" He showed Henry's parents the ultrasound and said he looked everywhere for it,
and it was totally not there. Well, Henry's mom started jumping up and down doing a happy
dance, just like I did yesterday when I heard this news. The doctor had no explanation. That's when Henry's mom said that she had been praying for Henry every day since his diagnosis.
Can you believe it??????? His mommy and daddy were so happy. I am so, so happy, too. Henry still has
some thickening in his intestine, and the doctor thinks it is a food related allergy, so they
are working on that. That happens to humans, too....did you know that?
Henry's mom thinks that God had to heal him cause He was tired of her bugging him! Maybe that's true; you can be the judge of that. All I know is that Henry is a miracle kitty and there is power in prayer!
Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all of you!