Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Drs. Bean and Zoe Collaborate on Pets Taking Medication

 This morning at the Cancer Center one of the nurses felt that I would look much more professional if I dressed appropriately for my "professional" advice.  You can be the judge.

I am available for consultations.

I would like to introduce you to my friend Dr. Bean. She has excellent advice about your pets taking medication.  Here is her letter to all of you.


Hi frens!
Do any of you guys have pets that you have to give meds to & it’s really difficult? Did you know that it doesn’t always have to be such a stressful experience? The veterinarian knows best, & if they tell you to give pills, pill pockets can be your best friend.
But some of us critters are experts at eating the treat the pill is in, then spitting out the pill. Or if you mix it with our food & we don’t finish it all, you’re stuck wondering if we got the right dose.
Here’s a thought- did you know there are more & more pharmacies out there now who are expanding their services to animal patients? If your vet gives you a written prescription, they can formulate it into a liquid that has yummy flavors like bacon, chicken or beef! Sometimes they can make it into a cream that you rub into your pets skin too! It’s usually not much more expensive. I hope everyone’s pet is happy & healthy, but if something comes up & you need to give your furkid meds, don’t cringe at the idea of wrestling your pet so you can shove a pill in its mouth! We pets are connected to our owners, so if you’re stressed out about medicating us, we pick up on that stress! It can be easy! Just google compounding pharmacies in your area. Don’t be afraid to talk to your veterinarian about it.
Dr. Bean

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